Cell-Free 2019-nCoV Viral Proteins
2019-nCov Viral Protein and Plasmids
N Protein | Spike Protein | 3CL Protease | More
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new RNA coronavirus that caused the viral respiratory disease in humans in Wuhan, China, begins at December 2019. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization WHO named the disease coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated “COVID-19”).
Supported by the world-leading Cell-Free Protein Synthesis (CFPS) technology D2P, OurProteinFactory now offers Cell-Free expressed 25 proteins from the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. Expressed in ProteinFactoryStandard package, His-Monster beads purified, His- and/or eGFP-tagged, spike proteins (S1, S2, S-RBD), N protein, M protein, E protein, 3C-Like Protease, RdRp etc. are all in stock. Using pD2P expression vector, all 2019-nCoV proteins coding sequences are codon-optimized, gene synthesized, with no homology to viral RNA, no cross-infectivity to live virus, are also available for global COVID-19 related R&D.
All protein sequences are based on the most up-to-date 2019-nCoV genome sequence Refseq: NC_045512.
For more information or customerization of virus protein, antibody, Fc-, Flag-, Strep-, MBP-, GST-tags, or ProteinFactory Products etc., please contact technical support Tel. +86-400-770-5500 (China), +1-800-955-3390 (International), customer@ourproteinfactory.com
如需更多信息,或希望定制病毒蛋白,抗体,Fc-, Flag-, Strep-, MBP-, GST-tags标签,或ProteinFactory蛋白质工厂产品等,请您咨询客服电话 +86-400-770-5500 (中国), +1-800-955-3390 (International), customer@ourproteinfactory.com, 我们提供24/7全时服务。
Related 2019-nCoV Coronavirus Information: